digital Swaggie

digital Swaggie

Who am I?

I’m an award-winning author, an educator, travel writer, and adventurer. I’m also a motorcycle enthusiast. Not only that, but I’ve climbed mountains, skied glaciers, crawled into caves and SCUBA dived on ship wrecks and on the Great Barrier Reef. My name is Gary and this is my adventure journal, “”.

Stories have inspired many people to do extraordinary things in their lives, they are the spark that ignites the endless possibilities that exist in our world. I write freely and honestly to give you an insight into the world in which I live. I believe the one thing we are all seeking in our lives is the feeling of freedom or of being free.

What is the cost of freedom?

The “Swaggie” of bush lore is always portrayed as an old bloke with a white beard, down on his luck living under the stars and carrying all his possessions in a small roll of canvas. Some say he was a hobo, going from job to job. It’s easy to see him as that, others say he was just a person trying to make a living in an economically depressed country.

Why “Swaggie”?

But I think the “Swaggie” was a man who made a choice, to travel free, to live off the land, and to live his life as he wanted. Work for the “Swaggie” was a means to an end, that end was to be free. He didn’t care about financial success or material possessions, it was the journey not the destination.

digital Swaggie is the reincarnation of that dream of freedom. I’ve recruited a friend to share some of my travels, his name is “Emu”. Emu is a KLR650 motorbike and together we wonder the beaches and the outback roads looking for stories to share with you.

It is my goal to entertain you with stories from the road, and hope these stories inspire you to a life of adventure. Remember, life is a Journey not a Destination and there are no prizes for getting to the finish line first.  Live an adventurous life and I’ll see you out there.

Cheers – digitalSwaggie:)